Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2020 . 09 . 08 selected by Editorial Board




All about me: chinese consumers turning to fragrance as new mode of self-expression

Recent research has shown that Chinese consumers are particularly inclined to approach the world of perfumery as a new form of expression. Not having a national centenary culture based on fashion and luxury, they show themselves even more inclined than their western “colleagues” to experiment with unusual and risky combinations and to use perfume as a real olfactory signature.

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New goal: to win over Chinese consumers

2020 . 09 . 08 selected by Editorial Board





The perfume makers that can't smell a thing

How can technology come into conflict and combine with such a methodical and ancient work made of care and tradition like that of the perfumer? Thanks to tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning that allow the perfumer to create essences without even touching the ingredients.

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Is it right to “depersonalize” and automate a process as human and passionate as that of creating a perfume? To you the arduous sentence ...

2020 . 09 . 08 selected by Editorial Board



Is Western luxury ready for China’s C2M model?

An interesting article that explains how China has applied the C2M model and what the future of this trend will be: the new frontier of customization, which allows the consumer to have a product created for his needs and preferences or even, thanks with the help of artificial intelligence, able to predict them.

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An article on the new Chinese trend: the C2M model.

2020 . 09 . 04 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content

Fragrance lovers



Fragrance, Take Me Away

"I felt something so intense, I could only express it in a perfume." ~ Jacques Guerlain

Never has this power been so important as in 2020, as we live through an unprecedented time where our movement is restricted, our nerves are on edge and we are in serious need of comfort. The one constant that we have all been blessed with, however, is the freedom of our thoughts which means we can still imagine. How can fragrance enhance our thoughts and dreams?

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Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 09 . 01 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers


Ann Haviland, Forgotten Mastermind of the Signature Scent

Born and raised in America, Ann decides to become a perfumer in 1912, after her husband's death. Her revolutionary approach for the time consisted in creating a perfume following an interview with the customer, in order to identify the notes that best represented his personality. She also experimented with home fragrances and created a perfume for a Broadway show. Her consultations were open to anyone wishing to speak to the "perfume psychologist". She was then crushed by large companies that began producing branded fragrances and died in 1958 after retiring to private life in Connecticut.

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Let's rediscover the life and career of an unfairly forgotten American perfumer: Ann Haviland.

2020 . 09 . 01 selected by Editorial Board





Taking Stock of Beauty Post-Pandemic

The Asian beauty market has also suffered the consequences of the pandemic, but has also been able to find solutions to adapt to the situation and stay afloat, such as the establishment of well-being lessons, direct and video tutorials to stay in touch with customers or the use of applications that allow virtual assistance and advice ...

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An article on the impact of COVID-19 on the Asian beauty market.
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2020 . 09 . 01 selected by Editorial Board





Digital scent startup Aromajoin releases its coveted olfactory technology to the public through 'Scent For All' campaign

The Japanese company Aromajoin has launched and made available to the public (previously it could only be purchased from retailers and entertainment agencies) the Aroma Shooter, a tool that, connected to a device and thanks to the use of various free or paid apps , allows you to savor a perfume directly from the comfort of your home ...

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The new frontier of olfactory technology: the Aroma Shooter.

2020 . 09 . 01 selected by Editorial Board




Is This the Future of Beauty Retail Sampling?

With the lockdown, many brands have had to adapt to the new legal provisions which have led to a significant change in consumer purchasing habits. In this article we find some examples of brands that have been able to positively exploit this moment to develop tools and applications that allow users, thanks to technological advances in artificial intelligence, to be assisted and pampered to enjoy the most similar shopping experience. possible to the in-store one.

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How some brands have managed to keep up with the times (dominated by the pandemic) ...
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 09 . 01 selected by Editorial Board




8 Beauty Retail Predictions Post-coronavirus

Nobody knows what will happen in the post-covid period or exactly if and when we can actually talk about a post-pandemic world ... However this article tries to give 8 tips to follow to ensure that brands and retail beauty can try to stay on the crest wave.

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In a time when, never before, the future is uncertain, this article tries to predict how beauty retail will behave in the coming months.

2020 . 08 . 28 written by Karen Marin



Fragrance lovers


GILLES THEVENIN, PARFUMS LUBIN: For the love of Fragrance

Deep in the heart of Paris’ first arrondissement, I climbed the stairs of a 17th century building where I was ushered into an office steeped in history, complete with ancient artifacts and historic photos living next to a very contemporary collection of fragrances. I was about to have an extraordinary meeting with Gilles Thevenin, a man whose life-long love affair with perfume became evident in the course of our discussion.

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