Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2020 . 04 . 21 selected by Editorial Board


Library 2019

Is this the end of US innovation?

According to a report by Lux Research, although China and South Korea are momentarily riding the wave of their recent innovation boom, it will be some region’s emerging players, in particular from Southeast Asia, that will dominate the scene by establishing the evolution of the global innovation ecosystem.

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This article presents the direct link to the "The State of Innovation in Asia: Key Industries and Players Shaping Asia's Innovative Ecosystem" Report created by Lux Research.

2020 . 04 . 21 selected by Editorial Board

Fragrance lovers


Library 2019

That signature scent: fragrances perfect to explore personalisation

This article highlights the growing desire, especially of new generations, for tailor-made and unique perfumes in order to express their individuality whilst boosting their confidence. Some initiative taken by some brands and some possible solutions are here listed. So far in the process the biggest hurdle seems to be the excessive cost of the service for the consumer.

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There is an increasing demand for personalized perfumes which are a perfect way to express the character and individuality of the person wearing it.

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board



As Shoppers Turn Their Attention To Amazon, Results Are A Mixed Bag For Indie Beauty Brands

Due to the pandemic that is forcing everyone to an indoors solitary confinement, there has been an instant slump in in-store sales in favor of a boom of online sales. During this peculiar time there have been several business that invested in streghtening or even building their e-commerce from scratch to try not miss this opportunity, however at the moment the scene remains dominated by the giant Amazon…

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This article describes how Amazon, which previously held about 40% of the American e-commerce market, is in fact dominating the scene during the pandemic.

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers


Using smells to boost learning during sleep

Recent studies have shown that exposure to the same aroma whilst learning and sleeping can enhance the ability to memorize as well as enable you to remember information for longer.

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The article explains the link between odors and memory.
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board




The Beauty 2020-2030 Forecast

This survey on the Beauty market in the next ten years brings the focus on the forecasts and needs of this sector, last year’s results and the new opportunities to be seized by brands and companies are highlighted always whilst bearing in mind how inevitably uncertain and precarious the current world situation is due to coronavirus.

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An extremely detailed report about the Beauty market forecasts for the next ten years

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board



Clue to Infection

A close correlation between the loss of smell and coronavirus is increasingly likely. In particular it seems to be a symptom that, if related to other typical symptoms of the disease such as fever and breathing problems, allows to define the diagnosis.
Research to establish how much and how anosmia is actually attributable to Covid-19 is still ongoing (this symptom is in fact also typical of other disease such as flu or allergies) however for the time being doctors urge us not to underestimate the loss of smell and taste, to contact your doctor in case of onset of these symptoms and to self-isolate.

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This article talks about the loss of smell, anosmia, linked to Covid-19
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2020 . 04 . 14 selected by Editorial Board





5 hiring tips for high growth Beauty brands on a small budget

After a brief excursus on the beauty industry scene and needs of its companies and their staff, the article sums up five crucial points to bare in mind for those who, on a small budget, would like to keep an efficient hiring process and employ the most valuable candidates.

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The article offers 5 tips to be able to hire new staff on a small budget

2020 . 04 . 14 selected by Editorial Board



Library 2019

ÇaFleureBon Perfume Signatures: Olivia Giacobetti “The Pioneer of Transparency”

Olivia Giacobetti made transparency her olfactory signature. The article retrace her carreer from the collaboration with Annick Goutal to her work as assistant perfumer for Robertet, passing through her most prolific production with L’Artisan Parfumeur, her work for Diptyque and Frederic Malle, up to her own perfume brand IUNX.

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The article tells the extraordinary carreer of one of the most famous perfumer in the world: Olivia Giacobetti
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 04 . 14 selected by Editorial Board





Scent & Healing: the transformative power of perfume

As well as being one of the most ancient and incredible creation in the world, perfume plays a pivotal role in the identification and treatment of some particular pathologies.

The article recoounts a doctor's experience with three patients for whom perfume acted as a remedy in an almost miracolous way.

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The article talks about the calming, emotional and sometimes even healing power of perfumes

2020 . 04 . 09 selected by Editorial Board



Library 2019

How to formulate for personal ideals: vegan & plastics-free

Creating products that are vegan, cruelty-free or sustainable is a challenge: one must be clear in the choice of pursued ideals, working with certified and transparent bodies to satisfy consumer requirements in order to be on board with Regulation, Transparency, Traceability, Performance, Origins when it comes to certification and, at the same time, create attractive products which can be sponsored by large advertising images or on social networks.

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For brands that want to promote a niche lifestyle, one of the main trend to match is to be vegan and cruelty-free or sustainable. This article offers a clear and detailed list of rules to follow and indicate how to meet the consumers' approval