Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2020 . 04 . 24 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers


People missing the scent region of their brain can still smell

After briefly explaining what olfactory bulbs are, the article recounts the research conducted on the samples of different subjects that led to the conclusion that people without olfactory bulbs are perfectly able to perceive smells. In fact the results have shown how in some cases they are actually able to perceive smells even better than those with intact olfactory bulbs.
Naturally there’s a few questions arising: do people without olfactory bulbs really perceive any smell normally? Could it be that in these subjects the neurons that usually make up the olfactory bulbs have migrated? Or do these people use a totally different area of the nervous system to perceive smells?
All these questions surrounding the anosmia problem currently remain without a definite answer, however this new study has certainly paved the way for future research on the neuroscience of olfaction.

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For a long time it was believed that a person without olfactory bulbs could not be able to smell. A research conducted in Israel shows that this belief is not entirely true.

2020 . 04 . 24 selected by Editorial Board



Fragrance lovers


Thierry Wasser: an interview with Guerlain’s master perfumer

With an excursus on the history and genealogy of the Guerlain family and its olfactory creations, the article reviews the career of Thierry Wasser: from the young age in which he dreamed of becoming chef to the consecration to official perfumer of Guerlain.

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An interesting interview with Guerlain’s perfumer, Thierry Wasser.

2020 . 04 . 24 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers


The people trying to save scents from extinction

Just as society evolves and habits and lifestyles change, the typical smells of a specific physical environment or socio-cultural context change in the same way. In an increasingly globalized world there is a tendency to lose uniqueness and peculiar characteristics in favour of a general and substantial basic uniformity. This is also happens to the world of smells. Regardless of their geographical location, modern metropolises now have the same smells (restaurants, pizzerias, ground coffee beans)… So how can we avoid losing these precious and characteristic perfumes and cataloguing and collecting them in a sort of archive? Some interesting initiatives are told in this article.

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How to preserve or recreate some characteristic smells of objects, environments and cities that have now disappeared or are becoming extinct?

2020 . 04 . 24 selected by Editorial Board



ASBC outlines tenets of sustainibility

The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) believes that a total overhaul of how we make, use and dispose of packaging is necessary in order to be more sustainable with a view to a zero-waste economy

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This article summarize the four principles that guide ASBC Sustainable Packaging Working Group
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 04 . 21 selected by Editorial Board





A dose of digital drama: why selling CBD online is still a struggle

CBD-containing products, also after the Farm Bill approval, despite their brick&mortar sales success, are still banned by more digital payment process and by social media companies prohibiting CBD advertising.

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Cosmetic hemp products are facing more problems due to limits imposed by digital payments and advertisement restrictions

2020 . 04 . 21 selected by Editorial Board


Library 2019

Is this the end of US innovation?

According to a report by Lux Research, although China and South Korea are momentarily riding the wave of their recent innovation boom, it will be some region’s emerging players, in particular from Southeast Asia, that will dominate the scene by establishing the evolution of the global innovation ecosystem.

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This article presents the direct link to the "The State of Innovation in Asia: Key Industries and Players Shaping Asia's Innovative Ecosystem" Report created by Lux Research.
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2020 . 04 . 21 selected by Editorial Board

Fragrance lovers


Library 2019

That signature scent: fragrances perfect to explore personalisation

This article highlights the growing desire, especially of new generations, for tailor-made and unique perfumes in order to express their individuality whilst boosting their confidence. Some initiative taken by some brands and some possible solutions are here listed. So far in the process the biggest hurdle seems to be the excessive cost of the service for the consumer.

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There is an increasing demand for personalized perfumes which are a perfect way to express the character and individuality of the person wearing it.

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board



As Shoppers Turn Their Attention To Amazon, Results Are A Mixed Bag For Indie Beauty Brands

Due to the pandemic that is forcing everyone to an indoors solitary confinement, there has been an instant slump in in-store sales in favor of a boom of online sales. During this peculiar time there have been several business that invested in streghtening or even building their e-commerce from scratch to try not miss this opportunity, however at the moment the scene remains dominated by the giant Amazon…

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This article describes how Amazon, which previously held about 40% of the American e-commerce market, is in fact dominating the scene during the pandemic.
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers


Using smells to boost learning during sleep

Recent studies have shown that exposure to the same aroma whilst learning and sleeping can enhance the ability to memorize as well as enable you to remember information for longer.

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The article explains the link between odors and memory.

2020 . 04 . 17 selected by Editorial Board




The Beauty 2020-2030 Forecast

This survey on the Beauty market in the next ten years brings the focus on the forecasts and needs of this sector, last year’s results and the new opportunities to be seized by brands and companies are highlighted always whilst bearing in mind how inevitably uncertain and precarious the current world situation is due to coronavirus.

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An extremely detailed report about the Beauty market forecasts for the next ten years