Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2020 . 10 . 23 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content





In a moment that seemed straight out of a film noir, I was asked if I wanted to know what is really going on behind the scenes on the market in China. Channeling a 1940’s detective, I put on my trench coat and made a Zoom call to Singapore to my informant, Chi Wai Tang, consultant and expert on the luxury goods market in China and Asia. He shared many eye-opening revelations that brands need to be aware of to navigate the complicated landscape and avoid potentially disastrous pitfalls.

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2020 . 10 . 20 selected by Editorial Board





Meet Yutybazar, The New AI-Driven Beauty E-Commerce Site Championing Indie, Black-Owned Brands

Yutybazar is a beauty portal based on artificial intelligence that allows users to find the products that best suit their needs and requirements with particular interest and attention for all those ethnic minorities who too often struggle to find products suitable for their skin color or for the type of their hair. Through a short questionnaire, the algorithm, after storing and processing the user's responses about skin color, habits and lifestyle, hair type and so on, proposes a series of targeted products for that customer.

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When inclusiveness embraces technological progress

2020 . 10 . 20 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers



Unfiltered Experience: Virtual Event for Beauty Entrepreneurs

Unfiltered Experience Online is Daniela Ciocan and her colleagues' response to the obstacles imposed by Covid-19. Being unable by circumstances to organize an international fair, the Unfiltered Experience team has worked diligently to bring their event online, ensuring an immersive and inclusive experience for brands, consumers, retailers and influencers ...

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The one who hesitates is lost

2020 . 10 . 20 selected by Editorial Board





A Fresh Look at Beauty Marketing Post-lockdown

Following the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have witnessed an exponential growth in the use of email marketing by many brands in the sector. In fact, this channel, although older than others and less impactful, has taken its revenge, generating 8.8% of traffic and being three times more efficient and effective than other channels from a quality (traffic generated) / price point of view.

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An article that invites us to re-evaluate email marketing as a winning weapon in a brand's strategy
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 10 . 20 selected by Editorial Board




Has China Had Enough Of Celebrity Beauty?

Chinese consumers reflect more and more on the quality-price ratio before buying products of famous brands or famous people without letting themselves be taken in by a known face. They are increasingly aware consumers, especially in this period. It could be the right time to push on C-beauty, much cheaper and more convenient than celebrity products from abroad.

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An article that sheds light on the Chinese beauty market and celebrity brands

2020 . 10 . 20 selected by Editorial Board


Top 10 Global Consumer Trends of 2020

An article that reports the 10 consumer trends of 2020 at a global level evoked by a report by Euromonitor International.

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Although dated, we have decided to propose this short and generic article to encourage people to reflect on their priorities and habits now that times have changed.
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2020 . 10 . 16 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content





In a timely turn of events, there has been a surge in new technology to assist the consumer who is looking for fragrance. Timely because we’re only a few weeks away from the biggest gift giving moment of the year. For those of us in the industry, visiting a store and seeing a rich assortment of fragrances is the equivalent of being a child in a candy store. But for the average consumer this can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Two recently launched tools, and one in pilot stage, are sure to help anyone find a new fragrance or an alternative to a favorite, while learning about fragrance families, notes and ingredients. They will also make it easier to shop for others, especially if the recipient’s preferences are known. Here is an overview of what you can find online and in store soon.

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2020 . 10 . 13 written by Laurence Arrigo Klove

Essencional's original content




DIVE into the BIG BLUE or ‘le Grand Bleu’ with Ex Nihilo

The world seen by a young creative trio.

Many brands are from Paris, elegance, luxury, quality of ingredients, you have it, but this brand brings something else to the table, innovation for sure, out of the box cooperation’s, creative talent... and above all a friends story with a dog. Yes a dog.

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Base camp: 352 rue Saint-Honoré Paris
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 10 . 13 selected by Editorial Board





Fragrance for cosmetics | Road to in-cosmetics Asia

An in-depth article that paints the panorama of perfumery by substantiating the various issues with statistical data. The main topics are: natural vs synthetic ingredients, sustainability, technology / Artificial Intelligence applied to perfumes and the supremacy of unisex fragrances.

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An interesting article on the latest trends related to the world of perfumes.

2020 . 10 . 13 selected by Editorial Board




Covid-19 dogs arrive at the airport – able to identify the virus earlier than laboratory tests

Highly trained and almost infallible, the dogs at Vantaa airport are able to identify the Covid-19 virus with an error rate of 0%. They are also able to track down the virus even before symptoms appear, something in which even laboratory tests fail.
In addition, the incredible nose of these dogs allows them to be able to trace the virus from a much smaller sample than laboratory tests: in fact, they only need 10-100 molecules against the 18,000,000 needed for tests.

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The best olfactory detectives on the planet (dogs) went into service at the Vantaa airport (Finland) to identify travelers affected by COVID-19.