Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2020 . 08 . 04 selected by Editorial Board



Evonik's Biotech Breakthrough Successfully Mimics Human Collagen

Evonik has invented a new collagen platform that can reliably interact with cells and tissues and be readily absorbed or remodeled by the body. It can replace the use of collagen derived from animals and is produced under controlled conditions via a fermentation, which delivers an ultra-high level of purity that is safe and easily reproducible at any commercial scale.

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A new form of highly soluble and ultra pure collagen.

2020 . 08 . 04 selected by Editorial Board



‘Insta-bae’ Trend Impacts NPD

Also in Asian countries the notoriety of social media platforms has profoundly influenced the development of beauty products. Many brands have opened channels on various social media by advertising products also thanks to the help of celebrities or influencers. Since a survey conducted by Euromonitor International in 2019 has shown that consumers are more influenced in concluding their purchases by recommendations from trusted people, friends and relatives rather than big celebrities, nano and micro influencers could hold greater sway over consumers than famous influencers or celebrities. However, it must be said that for Asian consumers it remains important and predominant to conclude purchases in person in the shop rather than through apps or state-of-the-art beauty devices.

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An article that explains how the phenomenon of instagrammable beauty brands has deeply affected even Asian countries.

2020 . 08 . 04 selected by Editorial Board




Natural Product Sales Rise in 2020

In 2020, there has been an exponential growth in consumer interest in natural, green and sustainable products. This phenomenon then had a great increase during the covid-19 pandemic as people's attention was focused on healthy products, which could make them feel good, healthy, defend their body from external attacks and increase their immunitary defense. Research conducted by IRI and SPIN confirms this trend.

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One of the most important trends of 2020: natural products.

2020 . 07 . 31 written by Karen Marin



Fragrance lovers



Ruth Sutcliffe, a fragrance industry veteran and creator of the Essential Awakenings® Smell And Memory Activity & Kits, has applied her expert knowledge to developing tools to help people suffering from anosmia and memory loss. Mark Kohoot, founder of Aeroscena, is advancing the use of evidence-based aromatherapy in healthcare. Read on to discover their stories.

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Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 07 . 28 selected by Editorial Board





Green chemistry: these new ingredients about to change perfumes

An interesting article on green chemistry that will lead to more eco-sustainable products and the discovery of new olfactory notes

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New ingredients are on the forefront to make perfume greener and cleaner

2020 . 07 . 28 selected by Editorial Board



Fragrance lovers

What Have We Done with Our Sense of Smell?

An interesting article that, following the growing demand for odorless products, investigates how this will affect the grooming experience.

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With a proliferation of fragrance-free products on the market, have we inadvertently turned the world off from scent?
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2020 . 07 . 28 selected by Editorial Board




As The Pandemic Persists, Many Cosmetic Manufacturers Struggle

A detailed article that reports some statistical data and the results of a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on the Beauty sector and which ends with some fundamental takeaways.

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An overview of the economic situation in the sector due to Covid-19.

2020 . 07 . 28 selected by Editorial Board



Fragrance lovers

Covid-19 canine detectives

In addition to being our loyal best friends, dogs can now be instrumental in the battle against Covid-19. In fact, they could be able, if properly trained, to sniff out patients affected by the virus.

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Trained canines help us in the battle against Covid-19
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 07 . 28 selected by Editorial Board



Fragrance lovers


Mark Buxton & David Chieze

In this interview the two perfumers Mark Buxton and DavidChieze talk about themselves by explaining their new and revolutionary olfactory project.

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An interesting interview with the famous perfumers Mark Buxton & David Chieze

2020 . 07 . 24 written by Karen Marin






What happens when two young perfumery students decide to combine their passions for scent and travel? An amazing voyage of discovery! Isabelle and Theo had the unprecedented idea of continuing their studies by going to the source to get close to the raw materials and their producers, to have an experience that would allow them to discover ingredients in an unforgettable way.

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