Promoting innovation and high creativity in the development of Niche Perfumery and Cosmetics

2021 . 01 . 08 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content




SEINDE SIGNATURE: A unique olfactory experience awaits you in Lagos, Nigeria

The passion for fragrance has the ability to unite people all around the world. I recently read about Mr. Olufemi Olusola, a zealous fragrance collector located in Lagos, Nigeria who is sharing his collection of over 1000 with the public in an unprecedented Experiential Studio. Curious to find out more about the man and his collection, I tracked him down for a Zoom interview and virtual tour of his beautiful space in the Oriental Hotel on Victoria island.

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2021 . 01 . 05 written by Laurence Arrigo Klove

Essencional's original content




With Atelier des Ors, we have found a Gold treasure!

Gold for the pursuit of perfection. Gold for the golden age of French craftsmen. Gold for subliming art. Gold for pure luxury. Gold for precious ingredients. Gold for timeless creation. There is no Gold rush. Time is eternal. A sense of mystery remains. Some secrets remain untold. Findings are still to be discovered. The hunt continues. Looking at former past glory and restoring it for the present is a never-ending quest. So let’s indulge in this Gold Fever. Danger-less. Exposure might only induce a faster heartbeat as it is utterly delightful and stunning.

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2021 . 01 . 05 selected by Editorial Board





How is independent perfumery doing? – François Hénin (Jovoy)

Talking about his experience and his business, in this interview the founder of Jovoy explains what are the mistakes to avoid in order to stand out from the crowd, what are the criteria used by the outlets to make their selection and his predictions for the future of the market independent perfumes.

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An interesting interview with the founder of Jovoy, François Hénin.

2021 . 01 . 05 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers


Towards a new idea of luxury perfumes?

How can three new made in France brands combine luxury and sustainability, eco-friendliness and respect for the environment? Using quality ingredients mostly natural but that leave their mark and using recyclable and plastic-free materials for packaging.

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Three new French fragrance brands are bringing luxury, natural ingredients and sustainability together.
Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2021 . 01 . 05 selected by Editorial Board


Fragrance lovers



When did we all start smelling... the same?

Once there were few perfumes and therefore there were a few dozen annual launches, so having and wearing the same perfume as other people was something quite likely if not inevitable. Nowadays, however, in an increasingly individualistic society and with a plethora of new releases and proposals, one has the presumption and the pretense of having to have one's own personal perfume and one feels cheated when one discovers that others are wearing ours same fragrance. Perhaps, it wouldn't be so bad to go back to iconic perfumes, shared by groups of people with common passions and interests or with similar approaches to life ...

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Is it really such a drama to wear the same perfume as other people? Not according to the author of this article ...

2021 . 01 . 05 selected by Editorial Board





Retailers Design the In-Store Experience for Reusable Packaging

An ancient practice reinterpreted in a modern key under the sign of recycling and respect for the environment: products in reusable containers.

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An initiative to encourage the consumption of products in reusable containers.
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2021 . 01 . 05 selected by Editorial Board




Waterless beauty could help save your skin and the planet—here’s why

This article explains why it is advantageous and highly recommended, both for our body and our skin and for the environment, to use "waterless" products, ie products that do not contain water in the formulations.

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An article on the potential and benefits of waterless formulations of beauty products.

2021 . 01 . 01 written by Karen Marin

Essencional's original content





Michael Edwards is unstoppable. Not quelled by the likes of a pandemic, he has been locked down in Sydney for the past ten months, busier than ever despite the lack of travel. Michael met virtually with me to discuss the projects he’s been working on since our last chat in Spring. He also weighed in on a controversial topic before sharing a few closing thoughts on brand activity in 2020.

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Essencional - The Paper
Have you ever asked yourself what’s behind the world of artistic perfumery? We have collected numbers, conversations, and trends of a world that has always been fascinating and inspiring.

2020 . 12 . 29 selected by Editorial Board





Discover the Top Four Beauty eCommerce Trends Set To Dominate 2021

In 2021, consumers will be increasingly interested in hyper-personalization and brands that will convey values in line with their own. Consequently, in order to be successful, a brand will necessarily have to adapt to these needs by proving to be ethically aware, transparent, to keep up with the times by seizing the advantages and opportunities given by artificial intelligence to make products increasingly personalized. and tailor-made and leveraging the benefits of subscription services to make it easier for customers to purchase.

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Four trends to follow to dominate the world of e-commerce with your own cosmetics brand.

2020 . 12 . 29 selected by Editorial Board




Unlocking the secrets of beauty marketing during COVID-19

Email marketing boomed during the pandemic as it is much easier to use than other digital advertising strategies and much cheaper. In fact, this channel is almost three times more effective than any other digital channel, also winning in terms of engagement and remarketing. During the pandemic, email marketing also changed its rules to be able to adapt to people's new lifestyle: the frequency of emails dropped slightly, while the sending time was brought forward and a more communicative language was adopted and empathetic, aimed at giving advice, providing tutorials and reassuring their audience with messages related to well-being and staying healthy.

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Essencional offers you another article on the importance of email marketing as a winning strategy for your brand.